
Installation of Ubuntu - How to start

When you start your computer, a simple program, called BIOS, is given the responsibility to initialize your computer, then to give the hand to a charger of starting which deals with charging an operating system, allowing carrying out more complex tasks. The BIOS includes some summary tools to detect the presence of peripherals like the keyboard and the mouse, to check the quantity of read-write memory available and to locate various media of storage, such hard disk, the reader of CD-ROM and the disk drive.

Once these basic operations finished, the BIOS seek a charger of starting. The BIOS has a parameter indicating on which media storage to seek a charger of starting initially. Chargers of starting can be installed on the majority of the media of storage: diskette, CD-ROM, hard disk, key USB… If your computer has of a diskette containing a charger of starting, of a CD-ROM containing a charger of starting and a hard disk...

containing a charger of starting, it is advisable to specify on which media can be found the charger of starting.

A parameter of the BIOS, the order of starting (or boot order), fulfills this function. The BIOS seeks a charger on the first media specified in the list and charges this one if there is one of them; if there is not; it seeks a charger on the second media of the list. The order of starting of the more recent computers should be CD-ROM, hard disk then diskette; it is not necessarily your case, or the case of the older computers. The latter generally try to initially detect the presence of a charger of starting on the diskette - - it is for that that you finally have an error message when you start your computer while having forgotten a diskette in the reader - -, then on the hard disk on the CD-ROM.

To start CD of installation or a live CD of Ubuntu, the first media on which the BIOS should seek a charger of starting must be the CD-ROM. If you are in one of these problematic cases, there are great chances that that is due to the fact that the BIOS of your computer is configured so that it initially seeks a charger of starting on another media that the reader of CD-ROM. It is then necessary to change the order of amorage in the BIOS - - a simple, but no commonplace operation explained below.

To Start the computer Press the button of powering of your computer, and observe well what occurs. In the first second, Bios tests your processor and your read-write memory, and says to you how you can enter the configuration of Bios to modify it. Example:
To eter setup hit Del
Enter to Bios

To enter Bios, it is generally necessary to type a key (more rarely a series of keys). Generally, it is about “F2”, “F12” or “Enter”. This key is indicated to the screen in the first second starting.
Change the order of the boot

To find the section which makes it possible to change the boot order? The interface of Bios summarizes the various orders (to enter/leave a menu, to change the value of an entry, to leave Bios by safeguarding its adjustments, etc). You will have to arrive on a line or a menu resembling of near or by far that:

It is a question here of giving to the CD-Rom (or to the reader of DVD, according to your material) a priority of boot larger than that of the hard disk.
In our example, we change the value by CD-ROM, and we allot the 2nd position to the first hard disk.
To start on CD

Generally, when you leave the configuration of Bios, the computer starts again, and you can thus check that your modifications were indeed taken into account. If all occurs well, you should fall on the reception from CD.

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