
Secunia: a Windows application on five not patches

According to the Danish specialist in the computer security and the data collected by its tool of scan, an application on five installed on the PC Windows is not up to date on the level of the corrective measures.

For the safety of his personal computer, the user must make sure that the software ecosystem present is perfectly up to date, namely equipped with the last corrective measures possibly published by the editors concerned.

In order to discharge this task which can prove to be tiresome, the Secunia Company proposes free utility PSI for Personal Software Inspector.

A quite practical utility

Under Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Server 2003, Secunia PSI analyzes the PC in search of information to be confronted with a database relative to 4.200 applications. Consequently, the user...

is informed statute of his software with, if necessary, a URL to operate the update.

On this principle, 14,5 million applications installed on PC Windows was screened and according to Secunia, more than 20 % of them were vulnerable, the user having quite simply omitted to apply the adequate corrective measures. The ratio of 1 out of 5 obtained is however better compared to that obtained last May because at the time, of the corrective measures of safety lacking on more than 28 % applications were.

The utility Secunia PSI goes back to one year. The Danish company which asserts 191.000 downloads for this last put on line at the beginning of month a version RC1 of PSI. To download this software from Secunia visit this link.

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