
Microsoft Office: Word 2007 Review

Raising a very new screen of starting, the very famous text processing Word naturally adopts the new interface of Office 2007 logically makes the beautiful share with the famous ribbon. One finds all the same the posting of a white page as of the launching of the software, which, in spite of the disappearance of and the toolbar menu bars, should help us to feel in known ground, whereas the ordering of zoom, which makes it possible to increase or reduce the size of the characters, takes seat in the status bar of Word in the shape of a slide. After having seized some lines one realizes, not without surprise, that a contextual bar of tools appears temporarily during the selection of a word or a sentence. This one takes shape very slightly in transparency and it is necessary for you to point your mouse to see it above appearing completely. Giving a fast access to the most current options of formatting (fat, italic, police force, color, etc), this bar of tools proves effective disablement.

Energy of pair with the ribbon, Word 2007 inaugurates a new posting of the options available for a style of formatting given: it is what Microsoft calls the galleries. Under Word, one can thus traverse the styles of paragraph available or the types of models of title pages which

one can insert in the document and this directly since the ribbon while benefitting from an outline in miniature from the new page or new style. Better, within the framework of the selection of a style of paragraph, Word benefits from the function “Live Preview”. Concretely, the text selected in your document changes automatically according to the new style which you fly over: in fact you see instantaneously what the result can give and this without destruction no since the previsualisation disappears at once your mouse returned on the document (with supposed of course that you do not select finally any style).

The dynamic previsualisation or Live Preview is available with a number of functions of which our preferred, the choice of the positioning of an image that one has just incorporated in his document. Rather than to lose itself in the options of an austere dialog box to determine the best preparing of the image by the text, it is enough to fly over an icon to see the image changing place in its document.

Word 2007 also benefits from improvements on the level of its functions embarked as regards graphics. In addition to the new ease which accompanies the positioning image and of which we had the echo previously, the text processing all new SmartArts integrates. It is here about a whole of tools making it possible to draw organization charts. In premium, Microsoft also proposes tools to create geometrical forms (arrows, circles, squares, stars, I pass from there and from best), which would not be either fundamentally new there, if the software did not propose henceforth grinds model 3D. For a rectangle traced, moreover freely on a Word page, I can choose a preset style of form in the adequate gallery but I can also choose a type of shade or effects 3D while carrying out free rotations of the form in 3D.

Microsoft praises in the tread the merits of the graphics package of Word, which was entirely revisited. For the Microsoft occasion is pressed on Excel 2007 and its new engine 3D what makes it possible to have splendid Camembert cheeses, histograms and other curves in its document. Let us specify however that this new graphics package is accessible only when you compile a new document with the format .docx. With a Word file old formula that you publish for reasons of compatibility, in other words a .doc, you will have the unpleasant one surprised to see appearing the old graphics package inherited Word 6 for Windows 3.1… In spite of the birth of the galleries, the Clipart function of Word 2007 always passes by the posting of a shutter as initiated with Office XP whereas the Wordart module is here… with the street! Although PowerPoint 2007 benefits from a new Wordart gallery with all new 3D effects to emphasize your titles, Word 2007 is satisfied with the WordArt old man whom we know since Word 2000, with the low word.

Another innovation with Word 2007: the arrival of the blocks of construction. Not, Word does not make it possible yet to produce proper Lego models in 3D but… one approaches some! For a writer, it is frequent to use, from one document to another of the similar elements which it is not or not easily possible to integrate into a model of documents since they can be reestablished paragraphs, equations or why not of filigrees. To cure it, Microsoft proposes the blocks of construction: the user can select since a gallery the elements which it wishes to insert into his text and which frequently return.

Also let us underline the arrival of a new function allowing facilitating the comparison between documents and a view at three sights. First sight: document A, second sight: the document B, third sight: differences or additions between the documents. Often criticized for the information stored during the drafting of one document at the knowledge of its author, Microsoft proposes to this time the inspector of documents. This one makes it possible to make sure that no confidential data remains in a file that you glossy to be diffused

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